Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Hootin'Nannie's Kazuri Jewelry Sale

November 17, 2011

Give a big hoot!  Our grand total has zoomed to $4187.00. We made some sales this afternoon. And there were some donations in there as well from people who were unable to attend the event, as well as a little from some who were here and just threw a little extra in the pot.

We have had an anonymous donation for the Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign of $1740.00.  Isn't that amazing?

That, of course, is in addition to our grand total of $4187.00.  But it is separate from that. Our publicity always seems to inspire people to give even though they might not be able to attend an event because there were a couple of other donations to Sharon as well that were not included in the total. Donations that came in during the jewellery party were part of the total.  

Isn't it wonderful to see the fruits of our labour in such a dramatic way? People are generous even though the economic picture around here is not the brightest right now and Christmas is right around the corner. But I suspect that what we do and what we have allowed other people to do by providing the opportunity is what makes Christmas even better.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hootin'Nannies Annual Chowder 2012 

Another great success!